School Supplies

The PTSA and Culbreth Social Worker would like your help ensuring that all Culbreth students have the school supplies needed for a successful year. Please see the linked Wishlist for needed items. You do not have to buy them from Amazon and they do not have to be the brands on this list. There are some items that Ms. Mazva-Cohen prefers to receive in individual-sized packaging because it's easier to to distribute to students. However, if you find a great deal on bulk pencils or other items, she will gladly accept them! 

Two items that are not on the school supply list that are always needed are backpacks and water bottles. Backpacks should be big enough and sturdy enough to hold a large binder, Chromebook, and other supplies.

You can drop any donation items at school and we will have a donation bin set up on back to school night. If you order from the Amazon list, they will be mailed to us and we will deliver to the school.